The Hidden Dangers of Asbestos Testing Kits

In an era where do-it-yourself (DIY) solutions are increasingly popular, it’s important to address why certain tasks, such as asbestos testing, are best left to professionals. Crucial Environmental, a leader in asbestos management, has taken a firm stance...

The Upcoming HSE Inspections: What Schools Need to Know

Starting October 2023, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) will commence a series of inspections in primary and secondary schools across England, Scotland, and Wales. The focus? To evaluate how schools are managing the risks associated with asbestos within their...

Why is asbestos dangerous during demolition work?

Asbestos has been entirely banned from use in the UK since 1999, but this hazardous substance can still be found in properties across the country. For many years, asbestos was used for its many positive properties in the construction sector. The material is excellent...

Does Your Business Need Decontamination For COVID-19?

Businesses are facing a very different landscape in the wake of COVID-19. Things that would have unthinkable just months ago are today a completely normal part of business practice. This has had a huge impact on companies and organisations across the country, from...