Reasons To Have An Asbestos Survey When Buying a New Home

Why You Should Consider an Asbestos Survey When Buying a New Home At Crucial Environmental, we’re frequently asked about the importance of having an asbestos survey conducted when purchasing a new home. While not mandatory, commissioning an asbestos survey can offer...

What To Do With An Asbestos Garage Roof

If you’ve recently learned that your garage roof has some Asbestos-Containing Materials (ACMs), or even if you just suspect that this might be the case, you’re no doubt wondering what to do about it. And you’ll be keen to know whether it can be easily removed with...

The Hidden Dangers of Asbestos Testing Kits

In an era where do-it-yourself (DIY) solutions are increasingly popular, it’s important to address why certain tasks, such as asbestos testing, are best left to professionals. Crucial Environmental, a leader in asbestos management, has taken a firm stance...

Managing Asbestos on Farms: A Crucial Guide to Safety

Asbestos, a naturally occurring mineral once extensively used in construction, poses a significant health risk when its fibres become airborne and are inhaled. While the use of asbestos has been banned in the UK since 1999, it can still be found in many older...

Asbestos Removal: Why It’s Best Left To The Professionals

We all know that asbestos is a highly hazardous material which releases dangerous particles when disturbed. Yet, surprisingly, when it comes to asbestos removal, it’s not always carried out in the safest possible way, or by those with the right training to really know...

Does finding asbestos affect your house price?

Asbestos is certainly a word that can worry homebuyers. Asbestos is a naturally-occurring material that was widely used in building construction for many years, especially during and before the 1980s. Despite the fact that it was banned from use in 1999, many homes...