Merry Christmas from Crucial Environmental

The team at Crucial Environmental would like to wish a Merry Christmas to all of our employees, customers, suppliers and partners. 2018 has been a great year for Crucial Environmental and our staff are looking forward to some quality time with their family over the...

Where might you find asbestos at work?

Are you concerned about asbestos in the workplace? Asbestos is still surprisingly common in commercial and industrial properties around the UK. Here we provide details on some of the places you might find asbestos at work. Offices You might assume that you are...

Your legal responsibilities with asbestos

You are probably already aware of the dangers of asbestos. This substance, widely used in construction until it was banned in 1999, claims the lives of thousands of people every year. But you might not be aware of what your legal responsibilities are when it comes to...

Asbestos: fact or fiction?

Asbestos is well known as a banned construction material that causes harm to human health – but can you sort the asbestos facts from the asbestos fiction? It is illegal to have asbestos in a workplace in the UK. Fact or fiction? Fiction. The Asbestos Regulations 1999...

Finding Asbestos in the Home; What to Do

If your home was built before the 1999, there is a chance that there are asbestos-containing materials present in your home. Don’t panic! The presence of asbestos-containing materials in the home is no cause for alarm in and of itself if those materials are not...

The Use of Asbestos

The Use of Asbestos Nowadays, everyone knows about the dangers of asbestos use. However, it may surprise you to find out that we have been using asbestos for thousands of years and are only now insisting on the safe use and handling of this material. Use of Asbestos...