Asbestos Laboratory Testing

Asbestos lab testing is an important part of understanding whether you have asbestos present in your industrial, commercial or residential property. Crucial Environmental can carry out all of the necessary work to have potential asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) tested, to check whether they contain asbestos and what condition the substance is in.

If you are concerned that you might have asbestos on your property or just need to have a survey carried out with testing included, our experienced team would be happy to help. Get in contact with us today for more details on what we can do for you.

Asbestos Lab Test

At Crucial Environmental we are often called in to examine buildings that could potentially contain asbestos. When we find something that we believe could be an ACM we carefully collect a sample without damaging it to the point that fibres would be released.

We have our own in-house laboratory which is accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 by UKAS to analyse for asbestos in bulk materials.

Samples are analysed by us using stereo microscopy, polarised light microscopy and dispersion staining.

We invite asbestos samples from both domestic and commercial clients. From a single sample to regular multiple samples. Samples can be dropped off/sent to our laboratory in Worthing, West Sussex where we will analyse all samples and send a Certificate of Analysis containing the results by email.

We can also carry out emergency analysis when results are needed swiftly.

From the results we can provide advice and guidance on your next steps. Whether you are having an asbestos lab test in conjunction with one of our surveys, or you are specifically worried about a particular material, we have the expertise to help you.

Areas We Cover

Crucial Environmental provides our full range of asbestos services to businesses and residential properties across the UK. Headquartered in West Sussex and with an office in the Midlands, we have many clients in London, Sussex, Kent, Hampshire and Surrey with whom we’ve built an excellent reputation.

If you are not sure whether Crucial Environmental work in your area, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with the team.

Contact Us

If you are interested in having any kind of asbestos laboratory testing carried out, Crucial Environmental would be happy to help. For more details on the services that we offer and what we can do for you, please get in contact with us today. You can call us on 01903 297818 where an experienced member of staff will be able to answer any of your questions, or you can email us directly at and we will get back to your promptly.